Press & News Print Media
6-pages story about losing weight with the CCO color code including the title picture naming and type test: colors cranks the activity of the cells and thus also the fat burning and muscle building ...
Losing weight without a diet: Current report on the new nutrition program based on CCO system according to colors for the ideal figure and the ideal proportion ......
Diets in the test: The program of CCO system in the application test in Vienna: The typology of the subject was determined using CCO's own ingredients. Now she knows when she burns which food and what she "accumulates" in the body when. As a result, she decreased clearly without starving ...
Perfect beauty: 2-page report about the recording and individual implementation of the CCO-Bio-colored codes for the optical personality ..
Colors determine our life: If you want to know what colors your own optical personality perfect, you can have your bio-colored code determined very precisely with CCO system ...
Anti-aging secret colors: regular tanning in CCO's own light makes the skin much fresher, more radiant and also smoother. Even after the first treatments, there are visible successes ...
The special CCO color light device, which was developed in collaboration with biophysicists, finally enables a scientifically sound and exact analysis of your own typology ...
Detailed report on the holistic method according to CCO system
Coat story for the beauty and fitness event of CCO system with actress Christine Neubauer in Baden-Baden ...
Ongoing articles in women's and specialist magazines on Health & Beauty with the new CCO system (Madame, Vogue, Estica, Cosmetics International, Bella, Clips, Tophair etc.) ...
Current regional and national reports in daily newspapers on the subject of colors and their importance with contributions about CCO system ...
Press & News TV reports
Losing weight with the color code: For over seven weeks, the RTL team accompanied a test subject who, according to the CCO method, only took £ 20 from the problem areas during this time and at the same time the waist by more than 10 cm slimmer ...
Colors and their meaning: Ulla M. Panz as an expert in the 2-piece broadcast at Vera at lunch: colors and their individual meaning for health, nutrition and optics.
Beauty OPS in old age: Report on cosmetic operations with excerpts, interviews and image documentation on the use of CCO system in the Health & Beauty area of the Bodenseeklinik Prof. Dr. Dr. Werner L. Mang.
Blondes preferred: Talks show with Ulla M. Panz and the well -known Munich psychologist Dr. Lermer as experts on the subject: optics and their important meaning ...
Live broadcast from the Hotel Bayrischer Hof for the election of the Models of the World in Munich: All models were analyzed three weeks before the official choice of CCO system and then optically prepared for their important appearance ...
With the CCO-Bio-Farbresonanz code finally back to your own I ...
Shipments on the topics of colors and beauty at RTL2, Pro7, SAT1, SWR etc. as well as radio interviews in Radio Arabella Munich, SWR, SWF etc.
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